Like most of you know, I’m a lazy person.. Well, what I mean is that I like to get as far as I can by the least amount of effort. You lovely people, I’m not going to be knitting my kids amazing, super cute sweaters if I can’t just throw them in the washer.. Enter …
Sea breeze tease coverup FO
Now that’s a title! But it’s a whole dress too! 🙂 This amazing pattern is designed by By-Katerina and it’s a super fun and quick crochet project for summertimes <3 What I really like about this pattern is that it’s super adaptable to different sizes while keeping the gradient intact! You can see where the …
Amethyst Dress FO
Such a good feeling to finish things! This one was finished a while ago (like many other things) and I’m catching up on the blog 🙂 It doesn’t seem like such but this is a 2.0km dress and I finished it in a little over a month! MONTH! It was that much fun to crochet …